Compliance report for the month of August 2024

Sl. No. Grievances and actions taken Number
1 Grievances pending at the beginning of the month 3
2 Grievances received during the month 6
3 Grievances disposed out of (1) above -
4 Grievances disposed out of (2) above 6
5 Grievances pending at the end of the month (1+2-3-4) 3
6 Classification of grievances disposed
6(a) Grievances not related to Code of Ethics -
6(b) Grievances related to Code of Ethics
┬а (i) Agreed to by the publisher and action taken 6
┬а (ii)┬аNot agreed to by the publisher -
┬а (iii) Any other action taken -
7Orders, directions and advisories received from Central Government and Self-regulatory Bodies
7(a) Number of Orders, directions and advisories received -
7(b) Orders, directions and advisories complied to -